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Allitwares IT Product News Center services global electronic and ICT manufactures. It compiles the most latest news of electronic and ICT industry, which includes automotive electronics, communication & networking, computer, consumer electronics, electronics components, manufacturing equipments, EMS/OEM, semiconductor, Industrial control & automation, information security, security products, and test & measurement instruments.
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SSD Shipments Fell 9% From 4Q13 to 1Q14 to 15 Million Units – Trendfocus 2014-05-14
Author: Editor of
Seasonal Declines in PCs Cut Client, Total SSDs. NAND output declines on seasonally weaker client SSD and tablet demand - enterprise SSD shipments post growth
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Think ISC is Just a Trade Show? – Think again! 2014-05-14
Author: Bernd Mohr
From: Scientific Computing
Now in its 29th year, International Supercomputing Conference (ISC) is the world’s oldest and Europe’s most important conference and networking event for the HPC community. What bugs me is I still run into people who make their living in the HPC or the broader scientific computing world, but think it is not worth going to the conference because they went there a decade ago and got the impression it is just a vendor trade show with some big-name keynote talks.
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Big Data Analytics Market Slows to Single-Digit Growth 2014-05-13
Author: George Leopold
From: Datanami
The global business intelligence and analytics software market grew 8 percent in 2013 to an estimated $14.4 billion as market uncertainties continued to depress more robust growth, according to market researcher Gartner Inc.
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Cisco, Google, Intel, Microsoft, Tridium & Yardi to Discuss the Internet of Things at Realcomm | IBc 2014-05-07
Author: Business Wire Editor
From: Business Wire
“The last twelve months have seen a flurry of activity within the commercial and corporate real estate industry around the topic of IoT. Every major technology company now has an initiative surrounding this movement”
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Looking Up: Industrial Production Strengthens 0.7% in March 2014-04-30
Author: Steve Minter
From: IndustryWeek
Industrial production moved up 0.7% in March, the Federal Reserve reported, and the bank revised its February figure to 1.2% from 0.6% on the strength of durable goods manufacturing and mining production.
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Open-Source Design Contest Seeks Ideas for 3D-Printed Car 2014-04-29
Author: Robert Brooks
From: American Machinist
Local Motors, AMT, ORNL stage contest on methodology for additive, subtractive manufacturing
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Industry Crib Sheet: Industrial Production Has a Healthy March 2014-04-28
Author: IMT Staff
From: Industry Market Trends
U.S. industrial production in March beat forecasts with a 0.7 percent expansion on the strength of the mining and utilities sectors.
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Unparalleled spread of 4G LTE sees phone shipments hit 1 billion by 2018 2014-04-25
Author: European Communications Editors
From: European Communications
More than half of all mobile phones sold in Western Europe this year will be 4G LTE enabled, cementing the next-gen technology's position as the fastest ever adopted, according to new research.
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Chinese Dream Trumps Environment as Cars Sales Boom 2014-04-24
Author: Bill Savadove, AFP
From: Industry Week
When accountant Ariel Wang bought a new car a few weeks ago, environmental protection was far from her mind even though smog has reached crisis levels in China's commercial hub Shanghai.
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Machine Tool Orders Fell for a Second Month 2014-04-23
Author: Robert Brooks
From: American Machinist
Weak demand for metal cutting equipment shows slow start for 2014
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